That is indeed very interesting. Here is another person who has much to say. "The Artilect War"
First Draft
Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis
Head, Brain Builder Group,
Blvd. St.Michel 47, B-1040,
Brussels, Belgium, Europe.
tel: + 32 2 740 0740,
fax: + 32 2 742 9654,
"The Artilect War"
Sample Chapters of Manuscript
Second Draft
Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis (1)
Don Mooradian (2)
(1) Head, Brain Builder Group,
Blvd. St.Michel 47, B-1040,
Brussels, Belgium, Europe.
tel: + 32 2 740 0740,
fax: + 32 2 742 9654, Professional Journalist,
Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
Update : 12 August 1999
Since only one copy of my first draft manuscript (see below) has been sold by my agent in a few months, I have no reservations now on putting up my full first draft manuscript on this website. The interest of the media keeps growing and I keep sending out my full first draft to them. Literary agents say my book is "fantastical, too polemical", and not suitable for publication. Nevertheless, I believe the ideas the book contains are of critical importance to global politics in the 21st century and need to be distributed.
Update : 2 July 1999
I have a coauthor, a prizewinning professional journalist, Don Mooradian, who is helping me write the second draft of the manuscript of "The Artilect War". A preface and two sample chapters of this second draft are included below the first draft (well below).
Update : 1 June 1999
My literary agent Ms. Marilyn Janson (see below) has seen to it that the complete 1st draft of my book "The Artilect War" can now be purchased via the internet. She has registered the manuscript with an ISBN number, and it is now on sale. If you want to buy the full version of this manuscript (U.S. $15, Outside U.S. $20, + postage costs), then email Marilyn at If enough of you do this, it will increase the probability that the second draft I am now writing with my coauthor Don Mooradian (see below), will be conventionally published.
Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis (left) and Don Mooradian (right)
In June of 1998 I wrote a short manuscript (100 pages) entitled "The Artilect War" which presents my ideas on the prospect of a "gigadeath artilect war" in the mid/late 21st century over the issue of species dominance. I see humanity dividing bitterly into those who want to build artilects (the Cosmists) and those opposed (the Terrans). Since the artilects in an advanced state might decide to wipe out the human species, the Terrans will be prepared to exterminate the Cosmists if the latter are serious about building artilects with super-human intelligence levels. Since both the Cosmist and the Terran sides will include some of the smartest, richest, and most powerful individuals on the planet, this bitter ideological conflict has all the makings of degenerating into a major war. Given the seriousness of the stakes, and the lethality of 21st century weaponry, such a war could result in gigadeath, i.e. the population of the earth.
I am trying to get this book published.
I already have a New York literary agent,
Ms. Marilyn June Janson,
Literary Agency,
Box 1557, Selden,
NY 11784, USA.
tel. (+ 1) (516) 696 4661,
If you are a publisher reading this or have friends who are publishers who you think might be interested in publishing this manuscript, then you can obtain a complete hard copy from my agent Ms. Janson. I also have a co-author Don Mooradian, a professional journalist with whom I am now preparing a second draft. The first draft was considered by several competent people (including a Pulitzer prize winning journalist who interviewed me for a major newspaper) to be "fascinating, frightening, but in need of some copy editing". One critic, more conservative, a literary agent, described it as "quite well written, but fantastical".
What I am looking for is a publisher who is prepared to do a little work, in the form of having me sit down with a competent copy editor to iron out the literary and social kinks. This is after all, my first book attempt.
If you are an ordinary reader and would like to see this manuscript published, then I suggest you email my agent at giving her a short message to that effect. If thousands of you email her, she can take this evidence to potential publishers, saying "There's a market. Look at all these emails". This is not just for commercial gain on my part. Im trying to stimulate the "artilect debate" here. I'm hoping this book will prove to be instrumental in getting the planet to take the artilect issue seriously, and not just dismiss it as a piece of science fiction, as the majority of humanity still does. This book is not just another book. It aims to get a political movement off the ground.
I include the chapter headings below, and 3 of the chapters, plus a summary and glossary.
I would appreciate receiving comments, suggestions, constructive criticisms, etc from readers.
I can be reached at -
Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis,
Head, Brain Builder Group,
Blvd. St. Michel 47, B-1040,
Brussels, Belgium, Europe.
tel: + 32 2 740 0740,
fax: + 32 2 742 9654,
"The Artilect War"
Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Artilect Technologies
Chapter 3. The Cosmists
Chapter 4. The Terrans
Chapter 5. The Artilect War
Chapter 6. The Artilect Era
Chapter 7. Reader Feedback
Chapter 8. Summary
We live in a relatively peaceful era, now that the cold war is over. Telecommunications and advances in computer technology are creating social forces which may eventually culturally homogenize the planet, leading to the use of a global language (very probably English, as it is already the most widely spoken first or second language) and hence the rapid exchange of ideas and understanding on a planetary scale.
There may be ideological disputes during this cultural homogenization process, but with everyone exposed to the best ideas the world has to offer, only the most competitive ideas will survive, which in time will be absorbed by virtually every thinking person on this planet. Once people can literally speak the world language, ideas will travel rapidly, so that a new idea in the mind of its inventor at one moment can become well known to billions of fellow world citizens within minutes to months.
As ideological differences melt away, as national governments find that they can agree more on political issues, the more likely it is that they will combine forces to tackle common problems. This process is already underway (e.g. the creation of the World Trade Organization (WTO), the World Health Organization (WHO), etc.)
If one takes a broad historical view, over several millennia, the size of autonomous political units has grown from the migratory band (e.g. the African bushmen), to the village (e.g. fishing communities), to towns (e.g. early London and Paris), to cities (e.g. the Italian city states), to countries (e.g. France), to "Communities" (i.e. the European Community (EC)). If this trend continues, I believe it is only a question of time before we will see the growth of the global state, an idea I call "Globa".
The truly wonderful thing about the Globa concept is that for the first time in history, humanity could free itself from major wars. Once the major states such as the US, Europe, China, India, Russia, Japan etc can truly agree on things (due to a large degree of cultural homogeneity, with everyone speaking the same global language and having the same ideas, and due to a truly global telecommunications system) they could impose their wills on the smaller countries, forcing legal rather than military solutions to international disputes.