PUKE ALERT for those who like Hillary, Feinstein, or Joltin' Joe.
"Voting `National Interest'
Two Democrats whose terms are expiring, Senators Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut and Dianne Feinstein of California, both praised Rice and urged support for her.
Lieberman said voting against Rice to protest past disagreements over Iraq was futile, and he urged senators to back her with an eye toward actions she can now take to improve the situation. ``Give America's national interest the benefit of the doubt,'' Lieberman said.
Senator Joseph Biden, the top-ranking Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee, was among several in his party who voted for Rice even as he cited deceptions in her pre-war arguments in favor of ousting Hussein.
Biden said he believes Bush has a right to his nominee unless the candidate is clearly unqualified. Yet he praised his fellow Democrats for putting pressure on Rice to speak with more candor. ``Those who say `No' today are actually I think doing a service to the Senate,'' he said.
Clinton Votes Yes
Senator Hillary Clinton, a New York Democrat, said she holds ``deep concerns and regrets about the way the administration has handled foreign policy in particular the war in Iraq.''
Clinton said she voted to confirm Rice because ``she does have the president's ear.'' "