Tubbs Jones Urges Bush to Address Issue of Uninsured, Prescription Drugs
Thursday January 27, 2:28 pm ET
WASHINGTON, Jan. 27 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones released this statement as President Bush visited the Cleveland Clinic to promote the use of technology in health care.
"It's wonderful that the President is here to discuss affordable health coverage; however, the actions of this administration have increased the numbers of uninsured by 5.2 million since 2000, 153,000 of those in Ohio alone. I am interested in hearing the President discuss broadening coverage to working poor Americans through universal coverage, and helping seniors obtain lower cost prescription drugs by utilizing the purchasing power of the government to negotiate lower drug prices for seniors.
"The colossal failure of our health care delivery system is obvious with an increase among those in our community who cannot obtain affordable health care. Our social safety net is strained to the breaking point with a growing number of patients who need primary care and services for treatable conditions which if not dealt with lead to high costs and possibly life-threatening health emergencies.
"One example of the growing demand in our community is seen just down the street from the Cleveland Clinic at the Free Medical Clinic of Greater Cleveland that serves over 20,000 patients each year, and the need continues to grow. Between fiscal year 2003-2004, there was a 37% increase in the number of patients who obtained care at The Free Clinic for chronic diseases including diabetes and high blood pressure.
"Eighty-one percent of The Free Clinic patients between the ages of 18-64 years old are at or below 200 percent poverty level. Even patients with insurance may not be able to afford their premiums, burdensome cost sharing, and co-pays. For many low-wage earners, the cost is as much of a barrier as not having insurance at all. Many of our seniors must choose between eating, paying their rent, or paying for their prescription drugs. No person should have to make that choice.