Posted on Thu, Jan. 27, 2005
'Scare' launches fight on Social Security
The first Florida volley in the battle over President Bush's Social Security reform was fired, with anonymous calls targeting a Florida congresswoman.
President Bush's controversial quest to revamp the nation's retirement plan is already drawing blood in the Florida congressional district with the largest number of Social Security beneficiaries in the nation.
Republican U.S. Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite on Wednesday became the target of what she calls a ''tele-scare'' -- automated phone calls to constituents that claim she supports privatization of the retirement program.
The anonymous calls to voters in the congressional district, just north of Tampa, are the first Florida fusillade in what is expected to be a contentious battle over the president's attempt to overhaul Social Security, in part by creating private investment accounts.
Some congressional Republicans are already leery of the political costs of the proposal, and Democrats say they are poised to target Republicans in retiree-rich districts who support the president's plan.
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