Washington, D.C. – In response to a UN panel’s report that the Sudanese government and militia had committed war crimes in Darfur, but not genocide, Congresswoman Barbara Lee disputed the finding but emphasized the need to take action.
“We cannot allow this to become another Rwanda,” said Rep. Lee. “The critical thing is that we act quickly to stop the violence.”
Rep. Lee returned last Wednesday with a Congressional delegation from visiting refugee camps on the Chad-Sudan border, and what she saw there reinforced her belief that genocide is taking place.
“The missing limbs, the eyes of the girls who had been raped, the accounts of coordinated attacks, everything we witnessed has strengthened my conviction that Congress was right to call this genocide, and the president was right to agree,” said Rep. Lee.
Rep. Lee disputes UN Sudan finding, urges action....****
link to full report (pdf):
http://www.un.org/News/dh/sudan/com_inq_darfur.pdffrom bbc server:
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/bsp/hi/pdfs/02_02_05drafur_report.pdf PBS NewsHour discussion:
My initial sense of the report is that it't total bs. It casts doubt upon the genuineness of the government's claims that it is committing these acts in the process of conducting a counterinsurgency, and then it fails to find genocidal intent because it stipulates that the intent behind these acts is for the purposees of counterinsurgency. That's right there in the executive summary. It's absurd.