...... by the police themselves. Either because of threats or that they support the other side too. bush now has us smack dab in the middle of hell.
Great Editorial from the site One Thousand Reasons .......
This War is Yours
The ill-conceived, poorly planned, and illegal war against Iraq has turned undeniably sour. Even though elections will be held in two days, no one expects democracy to flourish or American troops to leave any time soon. And the cost has already been enormous: 1,400 dead Americans, an estimated 100,000 dead Iraqis, and $200 billion of US taxpayer's money.
And what has been achieved? Did George Bush get rid of those dangerous weapons he promised we would find? Oops, guess the UN was right. Guess Scott Ritter was right. No weapons, no danger, no mushroom clouds, no aluminum tubes, no connections with terrorists. Nothing but a sad old man, a brutal dictator for sure, but absolutely no threat to Americans.
Who is to be held accountable for the carnage? Who will take the blame for our huge deficit, created in part to finance Bush's war of choice? Who will apologize to the thousands of friends and family members of the soldiers? Who will stand up and admit that it was all a mistake, an overzealous attempt at revenge for 9-11?
Not George Bush. According to him, he had his little "accountability moment" on November 2, 2004 when voters -- 51% of them -- sent him back to the White House.
Perhaps he's right. Perhaps it was you, the slim majority of Americans who approved of his policies, who must now shoulder the blame. Someone has to. This is a bad war, an illegal war, and someone has to pay. And don't you dare send the bill to me or the other 49% of the country who tried in vain to show you the folly of George Bush.
No, this war is yours. Those of you who claim moral superiority to us god-forsaken liberals who dare fiddle with the sanctity of marriage, who dare suggest that a woman has a right to decide when to have children, who dare place science in our children's school books, who dare argue for peace. Superior, indeed.
Maybe you will come to your senses, admit your guilt, and throw Bush out of office. Maybe you will begin to see that morality is more than mere Bible thumping.