in effort to unseat(Democratic Supreme Court) Justice Resnick
COLUMBUS - Under threat of $25,000 a day in fines, the Ohio Chamber of Commerce yesterday gave up its four-year fight to conceal those who spent $4.2 million targeting a state Supreme Court justice for defeat at the polls.
Nationwide Insurance, Honda, DaimlerChrysler, Procter & Gamble, Enron, AT&T, and Owens-Illinois were among nearly 400 corporations and individuals who contributed to Citizens for a Strong Ohio, a nonprofit arm of the chamber.
A resulting TV ad depicted a gilded Lady Justice whose scales were weighed down on one side by cash from labor and unions. The ad suggested that the votes of Justice Alice Robie Resnick, an Ottawa Hills Democrat, could be swayed by political contributions.
The justice went on to handily win re-election in 2000...