There is an historic window of opportunity that will be open for no more than the next 48-72 hours. It will close when the Senate votes on the nomination of Alberto Gonzalez for Attorney General. At that time, if no Democrats cross the line and vote for him, if it is a straight party line vote, even if he is confirmed, a tremendous victory will have been won. Failure to achieve 100% Democratic opposition would be a devastating waste of a never-to-return opportunity.
I would like to urge everyone reading this to, this weekend, immediately send it to everyone they know or can email to, and then to do what the email calls for, namely, to email and call as many Democratic (and moderate Republican) Senators as possible to vote no on Gonzalez. This must be done now, today, so this can snowball before the vote on Monday or Tuesday. If everyone does this, several million emails and calls could flood the Capitol, and ensure the outcome.
This is why it is so important:
After a 55-45 vote, every Republican in the country at any level of government, will have to defend Gonzalez. And he is indefensible. Our rallying cries will include: “Democrats Oppose Torture, Why Don’t Republicans?” and “Republicans Support Monarchy, See Bush As Above the Law,” (and no doubt others just as powerful). Every Republican in the nation, and every Republican lawmaker in Congress, in every State House, on every County or City Council, can be accused of favoring torture, and supporting the view that the President is above the law, like a medieval monarch. Just by virtue of being a Republican. Any Republican who would say they personally disagree can be asked whom he thinks he’s fooling, unless he is willing to publicly denounce Gonzalez, and the views he stands for, even if Gonzalez has already been confirmed. Think about the power of this tactic!
But this requires Democratic unity and unanimity in the Senate vote, not the ultra-stupid support so many Dems gave Fashcroft in 2001. Here’s what everyone receiving this needs to do:
A. Commit to sending emails to as many Democratic Senators as possible, preferably all of them. This is really easy. Go to This lists on a single page, every Senator, with phone number and link to a website, in alphabetical order. The website then opens to an email. If you create a message to cut and paste into every email, one could send all 45 a message in an hour or so. Keep it short and sweet. IT’S DO-ABLE!! Then hit the moderate Republicans (Chafee, Snow, Collins, Specter, Hagel, McCain, and possibly a few others), maybe with a specially crafted message. Then, start calling the same offices, starting with the Democrats most at risk to buckle.
B. Then, send this exact same message out to everybody you know, everyone you have an email for who might respond, and urge them to do the same. If you have a local, statewide, or national email list from one of the primary campaigns, send it to all. If you have the ability to have it sent to the email list of an organization you belong to, go for it. And don’t forget friends and relatives. Let’s get a snowball going here, a flash mass cyber- and tele-mobilization like nothing that’s ever been done before in such record time. IT’S NOT THAT HARD!!
C. Next, send this message to every Democratic official—both elected, and party, officials—from the DNC down to your local councilperson and precinct chairman.
D. Finally, post this message on every blog, or other on-line forum you know of, to reach even more people.
There is no reason that several million emails and phone calls can’t be generated by Monday morning. If the Senate email system crashes from overload, that would be great, it would be a news story in itself that no one could ignore. If the Dems hold together, it could even inspire enough moderate Republicans to actually kill the nomination.
If we are successful, we reap two additional benefits: we progressives will feel our own power, and we will have successfully tested a tool to be wielded on many other issues; and the Democratic Senators will also experience a sensation of power they seem not to have felt much recently, making them more likely to repeat the experiment of total opposition on other issues down the road.
Summary of what needs to be said: Why Gonzalez must be defeated:
· He authored and supported a policy that authorized torture, and publicly called the Geneva Convention “quaint.
· His confirmation is a signal to the world that we do not repudiate the torture we have already committed, but rather intend to continue and expand it.
· He believes the President is above the law, and will therefore vigorously defend and extend extra-legal preventive detention of “terror suspects” in “Patriot Act 2”-type legislation, effectively repealing the Constitution, the right of habeas corpus, and the Magna Carta of 1215, the bedrock of our system that limits the power of tyrants to arbitrarily lock up whomever they please.
· He has no regard for the rule of law or due process, nor human life, as demonstrated by the criminally slipshod and willfully incompetent manner in which he passed on execution cases to Texas Gov. George Bush so Bush could execute all of them from 1994-2000.