Denver Post Washington Bureau Chief
"There is a lot of money to pay for this that doesn't have to be U.S. taxpayer money. ... We are talking about a country that can finance its own reconstruction, and relatively soon." - Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, testifying before Congress on the potential costs of invading Iraq, March 27, 2003....
The Official, an architect of the Iraq policy, demanded the cover of anonymity before offering his insights....
The $80 billion request was expected, if not particularly welcomed, on Capitol Hill, where senators warned that the bill for Iraq might ultimately exceed $400 billion.
"There's no question that they are able, with relatively small expenditures, to force us to much more substantial ones. That's true on the damage side; it's also true on the military side," he said. "And yet, the fact is, they are under enormous stress because of our success in Afghanistan; they're under enormous stress because of this war they've declared on us in Iraq."
"We're using our equipment at a higher rate ... which is causing some of that equipment to wear out," the Official said. "Many of our Bradley Fighting Vehicles are being driven over 4,000 miles a year, and under extremely difficult conditions, which comes out to about five times their planned usage.",1413,36%257E28203%257E2680369,00.htmlhmmm..It's interesting that the reporter punctuates his piece with a cited Wolfowitz quote.