Columbia Tribune,
(Columbia, Missouri, runs an article today regarding the whistleblower press conference held in DC this week. Spearheading the cause are the
ACLU and
Sibel Edmonds. I'm cheered to see Sibel's in the heartland!
Congress is not doing its job of protecting government whistle-blowers or investigating the national security weaknesses those employees have tried to expose, several private watchdog groups said Wednesday.
They called for hearings into a particular case, that of linguist Sibel Edmonds, fired in 2002 after alleging shoddy work and possible espionage inside the FBI’s translator program.
"The time has come for Congress to hold hearings and address the concerns raised by Ms. Edmonds," said Danielle Brian, executive director of the Project on Government Oversight. "Without congressional oversight, the FBI will continue to hide its failures and quash whistle-blowers."