US sees rising civilian toll in Iraq
Sunday 30 January 2005 6:13 PM GMT
Contractors working for the US military in Iraq are targets
At least 232 civilians have been killed while working on US-funded contracts in Iraq and the toll is rising rapidly, according to a US government audit.
Deaths unreported
Not all US employers would have filed DBA claims for workers killed in Iraq and the toll from civilians killed is likely to be higher than 232, said one US official.
Attacks on US-funded work sites, convoys and employees averaged about 22 a week until 3 January, the report said
In addition, 728 DBA claims were filed for employees who missed more than four days of work. Several hundred more were reported from neighbouring Kuwait where companies working in Iraq have logistics and support operations.
Bowen said the tough security environment was delaying
projects funded by $18.4 billion set aside by Congress in 2003
to rebuild Iraq.
On 12 January, the Project and Contracting Office in Iraq, which is in charge of most US-funded work there, said security issues delayed by two weeks 17% of their projects in central Iraq and 15% in northern Iraq.
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