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1//Asia Times Online, Hong Kong--(JUST) ALIVE AND KICKING IN BAGHDAD (The resistance will get much stronger - and this has nothing to do with Saddam's flurry of cassettes. There seems to be an overall consensus in Baghdad that most Sunnis are on "wait and see" mode for two more months before they switch overwhelmingly to guerrilla struggle. And the Shi'ites will also be waiting for another two months. This seems to be the final window of opportunity for the CPA and the Governing Council to alleviate the daily hell faced by the Iraqi population.)
2//The Turkish Daily News, Turkey--TURKEY TO SUPPLY IRAQ WITH ENERGY AND WATER (In a meeting held by the ministry, the rebuilding of Iraq issue was on the table. Attended by many companies in the energy field, the gathering was arranged to deal with the issue of possible support to Iraq in this subject. Accordingly, it was agreed that the units of the ministry could supply Iraq with electricity, water, diesel oil and thus the related departments were to take up feasibility research. A delegation formed by related units' officials will leave for Iraq and begin negotiations with the authorities.)
3//Daily Yomiuri, Japan--IRAN OIL FIELD DEAL AT RISK (A consortium of Japanese companies acquired preferential negotiating rights in 2000 to put together a project to develop the Azadegan oil field, one of the world's largest oil reserves, and have been negotiating with Iran over a detailed development program and financial terms in an effort to conclude a formal contract… However, the United States has asked Japan to delay the contract because of concern that Iran is developing nuclear weapons. Tehran intends to continue separate talks on the project with Tokyo, but to exclude Japanese companies from the bidding, according to the sources. Observers pointed out that the entry of major foreign oil companies into the bidding was likely to make it very difficult for Japan to secure what was potentially the largest supply of oil the nation has ever had access to.)
4//The Moscow Times, Russia--OPINION: DUNDERHEADED DICTATORSHIP OF ELECTION LAWS (A police official warned me -- off the record, of course -- that our newspaper might be stripped of its license if we are not sufficiently careful in following new election laws. Specifically, I was told that we are obliged to ask gubernatorial candidates for permission to use their names whenever we write articles about them. I had always thought there was at least some limit to the stupidity of the authorities, but at moments like this I am on the verge of giving up hope.)
5//Economist.com, UK--REFORM IN ITALY: CAN IT BE DONE? (Italy's right-of-centre government fizzles with initiatives, but the prime minister's awkward dual role of politician and businessman makes it hard to enact them…But, however sincere his intention, he still labours under two handicaps. One is his coalition allies' different outlooks. The other is the enduring conflict of interest arising from his various roles, especially in the field of the media, which he dominates comprehensively.)