<snip>"There are a lot of Wahhabis there now, watching us," Raad Toma said, referring to adherents of the puritan form of Islam preached by Osama bin Laden (news - web sites). He said he had seen a wall poster in the neighborhood saying, "Killing of Christians and Jews is required as soon as possible."
Nasri's husband, Wilson, was a liquor salesman, and after Saddam was toppled he started getting death threats as hard-liners emerged to enforce the Islamic ban on alcohol.
The role of Iraqi Christians in the marketing of alcohol is one reason they have come under threat. Also, Christians are viewed as wealthy, making them more likely to be kidnapped for ransom.
More dangerous, perhaps, is the notion that they are friendly toward their American co-religionists and therefore are "Crusaders" bent on destroying Islam. "They see us as being hand-in-hand with the Americans," said Father Toma, who is not related to the Toma brothers. "It is a wrong label."
"Unfortunately, they've turned it into a war against the Crusaders and are taking it back to the Middle Ages," he said, adding that churches in Iraq haven't been attacked since the Mongols destroyed Baghdad in the 13th century.