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US lawmakers mull special office in State Department to spread democracy

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-07-05 06:01 AM
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US lawmakers mull special office in State Department to spread democracy
US lawmakers mull special office in State Department to spread democracy

Mon Feb 7,12:38 AM ET Asia - AFP

WASHINGTON, (AFP) - In a move that will give impetus to US President George W. Bush (news - web sites)'s policy to spread world freedom and end tyranny, lawmakers are drafting legislation to set up a specific office in the State Department to spread democracyIn a move that will give impetus to US President George W. Bush's policy to spread world freedom and end tyranny, lawmakers are drafting legislation to set up a specific office in the State Department to spread democracy, officials say.

If approved, the legislation would give a shot in the arm to dissident groups, which would have direct access to Washington, and anger some governments, including in Asia, which may see it as an attempt to meddle in domestic politics.

The "office of democracy movements and transitions" in the State Department is to serve as a "point of contact for democratic movements within individual countries," said Lynne Weil, spokeswoman for Democratic Representative Tom Lantos (news, bio, voting record) of California.

She added that Lantos and Republican Representative Frank Wolf (news, bio, voting record) of Virginia, both of whom co-chair the Congressional Human Rights Caucus, are jointly drafting the bill that also would ask Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (news - web sites) to publish an annual global report on democratic progress.

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ima_sinnic Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-07-05 06:19 AM
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1.  a "Democrat" is behind this #%(^*!@$ ??
I hope his constituents in California take the time to let him know exactly how they feel about his implementation of and kowtowing to Bushit's atrocities in the name of "freedom and democracy."
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tinanator Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-07-05 08:26 AM
Response to Reply #1
5. Lantos blows goats
he hears plenty from his constituents and other Californians. He is positively Satanic.
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teryang Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-07-05 06:22 AM
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2. * policy to spread world freedom and end tyranny?????
They are being sarcastic in this report aren't they?
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Benhurst Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-07-05 07:40 AM
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3. Since we don't have honest elections or democracy in the
Edited on Mon Feb-07-05 07:42 AM by Benhurst
United States, we obviously have none to spare and certainly nothing to spread around the world. What a farce!

The whole world is watching -- and laughing. What hypocrites!
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rodeodance Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-07-05 08:21 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. step aboard now------leaving now for Freedom!!
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LynnTheDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-07-05 09:52 AM
Response to Original message
6. Good grief, they're believing their own f*cking BULLSHIT!
Good f*cking grief.
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struggle4progress Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-07-05 12:58 PM
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7. Spreading Democracy on a Small Country
Even if you don’t intend to get a permit from the United Nations, you still need to understand and employ proper practices when spreading democracy. Limit democracy application to rates that are equal to or less than what the existing pundits can discuss, and try to ensure that the democracy does not actually contact the local population. Do not spread democracy on corporate property.

Proper application of democracry generally requires a series of secret meetings followed by an additional information release to US media outlets.

If the democracy will be entirely applied to an existing country, local elites can often do a good job distributing it themselves. Unfortunately, democracy spread by local elites can be quite concentrated and can cause collateral damage to the servant class underneath them. To maximize profits, break up all union meetings.

When it is necessary to use prepackaged democracy in the field, you need to know the number of expected ratings points so the application matches the needs of the client. Although each source of democracy will vary, a standard value can be used to determine the number of soldiers and television hours needed to properly spread the democracy. When using prepackaged democracy without death threats, you may wish to have a more accurate estimate of its effectiveness. Democracy can be sent to a focus-group laboratory for analysis. Check with the GOP office of democracy in your county for bulletins on democracy-spreading interpretation guidelines.
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tlcandie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-07-05 01:06 PM
Response to Original message
8. Democracy is coming soon to a theater (of war) near you!!
Get out your duct tape and gas mask (in case of chemicals-let's hope you don't die of suffocation first), cowboy boots (for the truly deep BS), best bicycle helmet lined with tin foil (protect from those electronic gadgets that affect your brain and possibly a bit 'o shrapnel), don as many clothes as possible (to give the bullets, etc. more to penetrate), then run like hell to the nearest safe bordering country/state and claim illegal invasion by the murderous USofA!!!!

I'm sure you can all add to this nice little bag of tricks/first aid kit for those countries deemed a part of the axis of evil!!!
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