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Foreign IDs approved for use at U.S. banks

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Nottingham Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-19-03 12:28 AM
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Foreign IDs approved for use at U.S. banks
Foreign IDs approved for use at U.S. banks
Copyright 2003 Houston Chronicle
Mexican illegal immigrants around the country can continue to keep their money in a bank, turn on utilities or, in some states, get a driver's license, using identification cards issued by Mexican consulates, the U.S. government decided Thursday.

The Treasury Department decision allows financial institutions to continue to open bank accounts for clients whose primary form of identification here is the matricula consular, an ID card the consulates issue mostly to illegal immigrants.

The decision could cool the debate among federal officials over whether to accept the matricula as proper identification. Some conservatives in Congress and anti-terrorism experts reject the card's use, saying the practice of granting services and state identification to matricula holders is a threat to national security.

The decision, which extends to all foreign-issued identification, is considered a victory for immigration and Latino groups that have protested efforts to prohibit use of the identification card as anti-immigrant and anti-Hispanic. Financial institutions, too, had opposed any change in the rule.


Well as long as you are an ilegal immigrant with Lots of Money and a bank account! Your OK!.....Is Homeland Security kinda a joke!!
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SoCalDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-19-03 12:57 AM
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1. Perhaps the time is here for some real immigration legislation
I favor "guest worker" / "student resident" classification.. It would entitle a non-citizen to work, drive,insure a vehicle, rent/buy a residence, but NOT receive welfare or free education.. Their employers would have to record and verify validity of the guest-worker id...BEFORE he hires the person..Iris id or fingerprints could be included to avoid fraud..

Since language seems to be an issue, I would favor starting schools that are primarily for the learning of English.. (not anti-immigrant, just realistic) Immigrants are taken advantage of and scammed because they do not have command of the language and are afraid to go to the authorities).. The fines from these scammers alone, would probably pay for the schools.. I see it as an investment.. A total immersion plan for the whole family.. Once they learn English, they could apply for permanent residency..

I also think that every citizen in the US should be issued a passport. The national ID is anathema for lots of people, but a passport would suffice, and have the added benefit of proof positive of who you are and that you are indeed a citizen, entitled to vote or re-enter the US..or travel to a foreign country..

I do not see the need for people to "present their papers" at every juncture, but when it comes time to hire a person or rent to a person, or open a bank account, it would be the most accurate identification.

If we are serious about knowing who is here and who should not be here, that's the only way to do it.. If it's done across the board for citizens and non-citizens alkie, there could be no claim of discrimination

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