asks for $19 billion increase
Wed Feb 9, 1:00 PM ET By Stephen J. Hedges Washington Bureau
The Pentagon $419.3 billion proposed budget for 2006 would be a $19 billion increase over this year's spending, though the budget recommends cuts for some premier weapons programs.<snip>
But the document does not include the ongoing operating costs of military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. The administration next week will ask Congress for $81 billion to cover those expenses and others, on top of more than $100 billion in supplemental spending for Iraq and Afghanistan that Congress has already approved.<snip>
Although the Army's actual budget drops by about $300 million, the service has received billions of dollars more for costs associated with Iraq and Afghanistan through the supplemental budget requests.
Some analysts said the Pentagon is playing a shell game because Iraq and Afghanistan are omitted from the budget. Some money from the supplemental budget requests that is intended for Iraq and Afghanistan, they said, actually is going for more basic military purposes. <snip>
The administration proposes buying 179 F/A-22 Raptor fighter jets, the Air Force's fighter that has been in development for more than 20 years. That's 96 fewer than the Air Force was planning on obtaining. <snip>
The Navy would reduce its fleet of 12 aircraft carriers by one ship, most likely the older USS John F. Kennedy, which is based in Florida. The budget also calls for the Navy to plan for four new large vessels in 2006--one submarine and three ships--instead of six. <snip>