Military Fatalities: By Time period By Month
Period US UK Other* Total Avg Days
+ 3.........162 17 2.... 181 1.29 140
+ 2..........22. 2 0...... 24 1.09 22
+ 1..........117 31 0... 148 7.05 21
Total......301 50 2.... 353 1.93 183
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The Wounded: US Military
Reported by Centcom As of 9/15/2003......Total ...... Avg
US troops wounded in action:.............. 1234.... 6.89
US troops wounded in non-hostile incidents. 316.... 1.77
TOTAL US wounded in Iraq since March 20th: 1550.... 8.66
Wounded reported since 9/15/2003.............10..... 2.5
Tracking the Wounded
Latest Military Fatality Date: 9/18/2003
Total deaths since July 2nd: 97 (Pres. Bush announces, "Bring Them On")
Total deaths since July 22nd: 69 (the deaths of Odai & Qusai Hussein)
Total Fatalities since May 1st: 162
March 20th through May 1st: 139
* Other in Fatality Chart refers to 1 Danish; 1 Spanish
Time Periods:
Period 3: May 2nd (the day after the aircraft carrier announcement) through today's date (Aug/24).
Period 2: April 10th (the day after Baghdad fell) through May 1st when President Bush announced the end of combat aboard the aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln.
Period 1: March 20th through April 9th, 2003, when the statue of Saddam Hussein was toppled in Baghdad.