Hundreds of protestors marched in London today to demand that the United States backs the Kyoto Protocol to cut greenhouse gas emissions and tackle climate change. The environmental campaigners marched with flags from the 136 countries which have ratified the protocol. The protest, organised by Campaign Against Climate Change, finished outside the US Embassy, in Grosvenor Square, where a rally took place.
Despite pouring rain, more than 350 campaigners beat their drums and made speeches in a bid to get their voices heard. The protocol is due to come into force on Wednesday to reduce gas emissions by 5.2% below 1990 levels in the next decade.Prime Minister Tony Blair has described climate change as “the biggest, long-term challenge the global community faces”. The US, considered the largest producer of potentially-climate-changing gases, is the only G8 country not to have signed.
Phil Thornhill, of the CACC, said: “We want to express just how aghast we are that the US is not joining the rest of the world and we want to create a groundswell of global opinion against them and any country that doesn’t play its part.”He said no country in the world was doing enough to prevent what scientists warned was a pending global catastrophe. However, he said America’s refusal to sign up to the protocol gave other countries an excuse to hide behind the fact they were doing something. Baker, Liberal Democrat environment spokesman, told the rally: "Climate change is happening. The US Government is out of touch with the rest of the world and out of touch with its own people who are having to take their own action individually to reduce greenhouse gas and emissions.,,30100-13299097,00.html