(Note to mods: The online version of this story was just posted this morning, though it is a Sunday story.)
http://www.zwire.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=13950600&BRD=1332&PAG=461&dept_id=414366&rfi=8&xb=kumutSome election officials leading up to the Nov. 2 general election dismissed the critics as alarmist or misguided, saying that electronic voting machine technology would ensure a verified vote.
Instead, North Carolina became the national poster child this election season for a voting machine fiasco.
The meltdown in Carteret County, where votes were lost without any hope of retrieving the ballots, "is the kind of problem we worried about with electronic touch-screen voting. If the memory and software fails, there's no record," said Allen, a publisher and author from High Point who's a member of the Joint Select Committee on Electronic Voting Systems.
The recommendations include that every vote cast in North Carolina should generate a paper ballot as a backup starting next year. The committee also recommends allowing state officials to inspect the computer code of electronic machines for potential pitfalls, regardless of proprietary business concerns.