From Stephen Farrell in Baghdad
REASSURING signals of magnanimity and inclusiveness from Iraq’s victorious Shia alliance masked intense backroom deal-making yesterday, as the coalition began negotiations to divide the spoils of victory.
Poised to win a narrow majority in the 275-seat National Assembly, the Shia List backed by Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani faces the difficult task of holding its broad coalition together, and making compromises with the Kurds, Sunnis and secular parties to forge a post-Saddam era.
Abdel Aziz al-Hakim, the coalition’s leader, met allies at his office yesterday to allocate Cabinet posts and sought to assuage Sunni fears of Shia hegemony.
“We believe in the need for participation and will seek harmony among all segments of the Iraqi people,” he said. However, pictures of him crying with his head in his hands after the results highlighted the alliance’s disappointment at failing to secure a larger majority.