By Tom Bawden
ALCHEMY PARTNERS and Carlyle Group, the prominent private equity firms, made record profits last year as the buyout industry’s disposal of businesses hit a high after three years of weak sales.
Carlyle Group, the American private equity firm advised by John Major, the former Conservative Prime Minister, also made a record profit in 2004, of about $3.3 billion (£1.8 billion), after selling, floating and recapitalising 71 businesses.
The disposals included the sale of Carlyle’s remaining stake in United Defense Industries, one of the key suppliers of tanks and rocket launchers to US forces in Iraq. In total, the 71 so-called exits and partial exits yielded Carlyle an average return of just under three times its equity investment in those companies.
Carlyle also invested about $2.7 billion in 107 new deals last year and raised $7.8 billion of new investment capital.
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/newspaper/0,,171-1484703,00.htmlUNACCEPTABLE face of capitalism: Carlyle's John Major: