Colombia's Uribe also
agreed to attend a meeting that will revise three-way agreements in energy, petroleum, and coal. Chavez commented that he and Lula would be delighted if Colombia committed itself, alongside Venezuela and Brazil, to the creation of the business "Carbosurámerica" (South American Coal). Bush ain't gonna like that one bit--not after the $$billion$$ he's been sending to the Colombia military.
...Among the agreements reached was a joint venture between the two countries' state-owned oil companies: Venezuela's PDVSA and Brazil's Petrobras. It was agreed that PDVSA will contribute to the construction and operation of a refinery in northeastern Brazil while Petrobras will invest in
oil exploration and production as well as gas refining. The two companies signed a total of 14 accords.
During a televised speech Chávez announced that Venezuela had signed a joint venture with the world's largest iron ore mining company, Brazil's Companhia Vale do Rio Doce, to mine
coal in western Venezuela. "We are signing today the interest of Brazil in participating in the Orinoco Oil Belt and (natural) gas projects...We have even reserved a block
. We want to give priority to Brazil," the Venezuelan President declared.
...Venezuela is also currently in the process of negotiating a potential $470 million arms deal with Brazilian aircraft manufacturer, Embraer, the world's fourth-largest aircraft producer. In his weekly television show Aló Presidente, Chávez spoke of purchasing Brazilian made Tucano fighter jets, claiming that the US had "delayed the delivery of spare parts for Venezuela's existing F-16 fighters," leaving him with little choice other than to search out new potential arms manufacturers.
...Although the agreement has yet to be finalized, Venezuela has expressed interest in acquiring 12 AMX-T planes and 24 Supertucano fighter jets from Embraer. These aircrafts are currently employed by Brazil to monitor drug trafficking in the Amazon basin. According to Brazilian officials, this purchase may lead to closer bi-lateral cooperation in the development of "a military surveillance system to monitor the Orinoco and Amazon regions."