(February 16, 2005) — ALBANY — Gov. George Pataki on Tuesday rejected state Republican Chairman Stephen Minarik's assertion that Democrats are linked to a lawyer who was convicted last week of aiding terrorists.
The lawyer, Lynne Stewart, was convicted of aiding Omar Abdel-Rahman, the mastermind behind the 1993 World Trade Center terrorist attack, by smuggling messages to him while he was imprisoned.
Minarik on Monday put out a statement criticizing Democrats for electing Howard Dean, the former Vermont governor and 2004 presidential hopeful, as their national party chairman.
.... snip ....
When asked about Minarik's comments, Pataki,
who had picked Minarik for the top GOP job, said, "The Democratic Party doesn't have anything to do with Lynne Stewart."
http://www.democratandchronicle.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050216/NEWS01/502160331/1002/NEWS- - -
With all his other problems, I suspect George doesn't want
another albatross around his neck.