Edited on Fri Feb-18-05 04:04 PM by Viking12
If you're familiar with scientific publication, conference proceedings are usually not printed until after the conference is over. in teh meantime barnett is submitting the results to a "major publication." Barnett et. al.'s study is a follow up to their study published in Science Detection of anthropogenic climate change in the world's oceans. Science 292:270-274.
TRACK: Oceans and Coastlines TITLE: Signatures of Anthropogenic Warming in the Oceans and Their Implications for Society DATE: Friday, February 18, 2005 TIME: 1:45 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. ORGANIZERS: Rana A. Fine, Rosenstiel School, University of Miami PARTICIPANTS: * = invited, not yet confirmed. Tim Barnett (Speaker), Scripps Institution of Oceanography Observed Changes in Ocean Heat Content: Greenhouse or Natural? Ruth Curry (Speaker), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Global Warming and Our Planet's Water Cycle Sharon Smith (Speaker), Rosenstiel School, University of Miami Dramatic Changes Due to Anthropogenic Warming in the Arctic Ocean, Circulation and Marine Ecosystems Richard Feely (Speaker), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory The Impact of Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide on the Oceanic Carbonate System Ricardo Letelier (Speaker), Oregon State University Geochemical and Biological Productivity Changes in the Pacific Ocean Due to Anthropogenic Warming Klaus Keller (Speaker), Pennsylvania State University Decision Making in Conditions of Uncertainty and Climate Change Impacts on Ocean Ecosystems
SYNOPSIS: The oceans cover 71 percent of the Earth's surface and, because of their capacity to store, transport and exchange heat, freshwater and carbon dioxide, they are a major component of the global climate system. Observed changes in the oceans are being attributed to human activities as well as to natural climate variability. Increasing amounts of anthropogenic carbon dioxide are being taken up by the oceans, and the solubilities of carbonate minerals in the deep oceans have been affected. The amount of oxygen has been decreasing, and there are documented changes in ecosystem structures. Impacts of anthropogenic warming vary significantly between oceans and are particularly dramatic in high-latitude regions such as the Arctic Ocean. Fresh water from the melting of high-latitude ice and from increased evaporation in the tropics has been accumulating in the North Atlantic Ocean, which can alter the ocean currents, an integral part of the climate system. Scientists believe that eventually the effects of accumulating freshwater will cause a decrease in the strength of the "meridional overturning," or sinking of dense water, in the high latitudes of the North Atlantic. As a consequence, the northward flow of the warm Gulf Stream would slow and move southward, causing a major readjustment of our climate system. This symposium will describe changes occurring in the ocean due to anthropogenic warming and will discuss projections of possible effects and consequences for society.
Title: Dramatic Changes in the Arctic Ocean, Its Circulation and Ecosystems, Due to Anthropogenic Warming
Presenter: Sharon Smith
Authors: Sharon L. Smith, The Rosenstiel School, University of Miami
For more than 20 years, models of global climate have shown us that warming associated with increased, anthropogenically-generated, carbon dioxide emissions will appear first - and be most intense - in the Arctic. Because the Arctic Ocean is bordered by wide continental shelves, has substantial freshwater input via rivers, and has limited connections with the north Atlantic and Pacific oceans, its circulation and its ecosystems have boundaries that aid us in our studies of change.
Extensive satellite data show us warming is happening now; warming reduces ice thickness and extends the duration of ice-free conditions, exposing the shallow shelves to different current regimes. Reduced ice content in the Arctic also will affect large-scale circulation, structure of the halocline, albedo, and surface heat budgets. If such climate change produces less transport of Arctic basin organisms onto the shelves, there will be reduced food for the birds, fish and baleen whales (the fish in turn support the seals and polar bears). If climate change instead produces increased transport onto the shelves (upwelling), then the food available for the upper levels of the food web could increase. Recent models show that the upwelling/no upwelling “switch” driven by ice cover could be very sensitive in the western Arctic region. Ice is also the platform on which seals, walrus and birds rest and reproduce.
The Arctic food web used by man in subsistence existence, and appreciated by naturalists, is supported by a complicated interplay of biology and physics which links the life cycle of marine organisms traveling between the surface and a thousand meters or more below the surface with the charismatic predators of the shelves. The match of the physical forcing and the life cycles of marine organisms is crucial; both need to be relatively predictable in time and space for evolution of this food web to have taken place. Climate change (warming) is acting to disrupt predictability, a situation which could cause the rapid demise of marine mammals and birds upon which subsistence human populations depend.
Title: Global Warming and Our Planet's Water Cycle
Presenter: Ruth Curry
Authors: Ruth Curry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
As the global thermometer continues its upward climb, it is expected to affect the hydrologic engine which cycles freshwater through the climate system. This engine is fueled by evaporation from the oceans, which pumps heat and water vapor from low to high latitudes where it precipitates and is returned to the ocean either directly or by river runoff from the continents. Sea ice and glaciers are components which store and release freshwater through the processes of freezing and melting. The hydrologic response to rising temperatures will include increases in the rates of evaporation, precipitation, and melting which in turn will profoundly affect our planet’s freshwater resources, sea level, ecosystems and economies. Signs of changes in the global water cycle are already detectable as thinning sea ice and shrinking glaciers, increased river discharges from the Eurasian and North American continents, drought in the western U.S., and global shifts in ocean salinity distributions. Over the last forty years, low latitude surface waters have become dramatically saltier in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans where rising upper ocean temperatures appear to be intensifying evaporation, removing extra freshwater from the surface ocean, and thus raising its salinity concentrations. That extra water vapor has been transported by the atmosphere toward the poles, especially in the northern hemisphere, where increased precipitation and river runoff have combined with melting polar ice causing ocean salinities there to plummet. The resulting surge of freshwater into the Arctic and high latitude North Atlantic Oceans may have climate consequences of its own. These northern seas are special sites where cold, dense waters are formed, a process which drives a component of ocean circulation dubbed the thermohaline circulation (THC). If enough freshwater is added to these special sites, however, the resulting ocean density changes could alter the Atlantic THC, diminish the amount of heat delivered to the northern latitudes, and significantly affect wintertime climate in the northern hemisphere.
Presenter: Tim Barnett
Authors: K. AchutaRao, B.D. Santer, P. Gleckler; Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory T.P. Barnett, D. Pierce; Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Earlier work by several of us detected a change in observed ocean heat content that could be attributed to the planetary warming associated with anthropogenic forcing. In this work, we revisit that study, determining the impacts of revised observations and model uncertainty on our earlier conclusions. The observed data set of oceanic temperatures in the upper few thousand meters is relatively sparse over most of the world’s oceans. It is becoming common practice in oceanography to overcome this situation by infilling the data voids by either optimal interpolation or more formal assimilation techniques. We have found that the infilled data generally have different statistical properties than the observed data. These differences can be unacceptably large. In contrast, the regridding necessary to examine covariability in observed and modeled heat content changes has a relatively small impact. In the second part of this study, we examined output from a range of coupled climate models forced by a common 1% increase in atmospheric CO2. This experiment was part of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP2+). Use of a common forcing scenario helps to isolate model differences. We found that while ocean heat content increases in all eight CMIP2+ models examined, the total amount of heat gained by their respective global oceans varies by a factor of two. In regional ocean basins the models differed by a factor of as much as 8. Clearly, all of the models cannot be correct – nor can their predictions of future greenhouse impacts. To test whether such large uncertainties in simulated ocean heat content changes critically impact previous detection results, we applied formal detection theory to the most recent set of IPCC runs. These were conducted with different coupled models, and involve more realistic anthropogenic and natural forcing than the CMIP2+ integrations. Our detection analysis considers uncertainties arising from: 1) Different model-based estimates of the anthropogenic signal; 2) Different model estimates of natural climate variability. Results of these new detection studies are compared with earlier work to test the robustness of previous detection claims
Title: The Impact of Anthropogenic CO2 on the Oceanic Carbonate System
Presenter: Richard A. Feely
Authors: Richard A. Feely, Christopher L. Sabine; Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory/NOAA Kitack Lee, Pohang University of Science and Technology Will Berelson, University of Southern California Joanie Kleypas, National Center for Atmospheric Research Victoria J. Fabry, Calafornia State University San Marcos
Rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations over the past two centuries have led to greater CO2 uptake by the oceans. This acidification process has changed the saturation state of the oceans with respect to calcium carbonate. The penetration of anthropogenic CO2 into the ocean interior has caused an upward migration of the calcite and aragonite saturation horizons by about 40 - 200 m over large regions of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Over time, these changes in the aragonite and calcite saturation state will have profound impacts on the health of coral reefs and other CaCO3 shell-forming organisms in the oceans. The calcification rate of almost all calcifying organisms studied to date decreased in response to decreased CaCO3 saturation state, even when the carbonate saturation level was >1. We also have estimated the water column CaCO3 dissolution rates for the global oceans from total alkalinity and chlorofluorocarbon data. Calcium carbonate dissolution rates, ranging from 0.003–1.2 µmol kg/yr, are observed beginning near the aragonite saturation horizon. The total water-column CaCO3 dissolution rate for the global oceans is approximately 0.5 ± 0.2 Pg CaCO3-C/yr, which is approximately 45–65% of the export production of CaCO3.