what she brought to the Enron Board room as former chairman of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission under Presidents Reagan and Poppy Bush ... establishing loopholes during deregulation opening Enron's doors ... enron has just a massive footprint ... approx. 50 people in shrub's first coup term had ties to enron ... hardly hear a peep from people like Pug Winokur ... wha's'up, Pug? Thomas White et al.
"The senior Texas senator and his wife, a presidential appointee and eventual Enron board member, helped create what one observer famously called a "regulatory black hole." That newly deregulated energy market has been described as the fuel that propelled Enron into the seventh-largest company in the country."
http://www.dfw.com/mld/startelegram/2489039.htm?1c~snip~A total of over 50 high-level Bush administration officials have been identified who once had meaningful ties to Enron. (See "Enron's Shadow Government,"
http://www.americanfamilyvoices.org/pdf/shadowReport.pdf Also see Public Citizen's diagram of the relationships
http://www.citizen.org/documents/EnronTree.pdf) ~snip~
from what I can see,
Judge Hittner became a US District Judge in 1986, which would make him a Reagan/Ed Meese appointee ... from CitizenWorks' comprehensive recommendations for corporate reform webpage, a page word search finds his name mentioned:
"Another FCPA loophole was created by a recent court decision that made it legal for corporate executives to bribe a foreign official in order to reduce a company's tax burden or customs duties in that country.
The decision, handed down by Judge David Hittner in the U.S. District Court in Houston in April, 2002 involved executives from American Rice, Inc., a U.S. corporation that is now bankrupt. (See "No Kidding: anti-Bribery Law Takes a Hit," Focus on the Corporation (column) by Robert Weissman and Russell Mokhiber, April 25, 2002 - available at
http://lists.essential.org/pipermail/corp-focus/2002/000114.html ("
A startling decision handed down last week by a federal judge in Houston
undermines the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and
will make it difficult for weak and demoralized prosecutors
to bring to justice U.S. corporate executives who openly bribe foreign government officials." )... I'm guessing that that may relate to enron and India = the Dabhol disaster
http://www.corpwatch.org/article.php?id=467 http://www.democraticunderground.com/articles/02/01/25_india_1.htmlhttp://www.citizenworks.org/corp/reforms.phpimo: he is corporate american friendly
just for fun google Harken and Enron
Harken was Enron in miniature