check this out......see if bush gets them vouchers.these students would be off his "back' so to speak........out of sight..not held to any standards in these priate schools.......look at the numbers ......
there should be more and better paid teachers......smaller class rooms.but look how far that went..even though it was the article below bush says:::::
""""The plan also includes a provision to increase the pay of beginning teachers. If voters soften the class size amendment, starting pay would rise to $35,000. A teacher who makes more than $33,000 would get a $2,000 raise."""""
More than 170,000 Florida students have failed FCAT reading three years in a row, which state officials think should make those students eligible for a private school voucher. Below are the 2001-2002 failure rates for sixth and eighth grades:
30: percentage of sixth-graders who scored at the lowest level on FCAT reading.
70: Percentage of those students who failed again the next year.
83: percentage who failed a third consecutive year.
29: percentage of eighth-graders who scored at the lowest level on FCAT reading.
87: percentage of those students who failed again the next year.
88: percentage who failed a third consecutive year.
Source: Department of Education