stupid was that.... not the fyfe and drum mind you... just a drum full of poison. Who is the greatest perp of environmental damage on the planet?? We are. No discussion. End of story. Just more evidence for the executioner... that's all it is.>>The stakes are huge and highly complex. Of the 158 federal facilities on Superfund’s National Priorities List, DOD is responsible for 129; the projected cleanup cost for these sites is more than $14 billion. On the other hand, DOD invests $4 billion annually in environmental protection and provides more funding for marine-mammal research than any other federal agency. And with 25 million acres of property, DOD houses the greatest concentration of endangered species on any federal land. So while critics complain about the military, they also tip their hats. The problem, they say, is that elements within the current Bush Administration and the Pentagon are leading an unfounded campaign against environmental laws.
In September 2002, 14 whales became stranded on the Canary Islands just 4 hours after the onset of a naval training exercise. Necropsies found tissue damage consistent with trauma due to in vivo gas bubble formation (Nature 2003, 425, 575).
“It’s not clear if the sound is so loud it damages the animals directly or if it triggers a behavioral response so that the animals surface too quickly and get something like the bends,” says Peter Tyack, a senior scientist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. “In the end, we know there is some correlation between these sounds and the animals ending up on the beach.”<<