's to the Right of Me
The infamous ex-White House reporter James Guckert (a.k.a. Jeff Gannon) fights fire with fire, reactivating his Web site and starting a blog. Among other things, he claims that those "sexy pictures" on the Web, "said to be of me," are leaving many of his critics "tingling."
By Greg Mitchell
(February 24, 2005) -- Ten days ago, James Guckert told E&P he was through talking to the press, and now he won’t shut up. He’s even suggesting that some of his critics are “tingling” from viewing “sexy pictures” of him on the Web.
He denounces those who found “sexy pictures” of him on the Web, which inspired “rumors and conspiracy theories.” Forget for a moment that Guckert has now refused, on half a dozen occasions (including three interviews with E&P), to deny his part in the sex-escort trade. Here he says, “Based on some of the emails I’ve received, many of these people were conflicted with hatred for my politics and tingling they experienced while viewing pictures said to be me.”
He also thanks God for his “career as a reporter” and the fact that he was “further blessed to become a White House correspondent.”
Then there’s this gem: “If I had been a liberal reporter with the salacious past now attributed to me, I would be the Grand Marshall of the next Gay Pride Parade as well as a media darling, able to give softball interviews.” Well, he is an expert on softball questions, that’s for sure.
But I have a feeling that if he'd been a liberal reporter, he would have been skewered by Fox News and branded “The Hapless Hooker” by the New York Post, two outlets largely silent about Gannongate so far.