My mother took Vioxx and her back pain stopped -- stopped. Now, if you take a population of couch potatoes, add new pain relief and they start getting up after being dormant, do they increase their chances of heart attack and stroke with their sudden activity. Add, suddenly not taking aspirin, a blood thinner, and, wow, double-whammy.
In other words, it's not the Vioxx, it's the effectiveness, the goodness of the Vioxx that causes the deaths. If so, not using Vioxx from the start of pain could lead to someone becoming a couch potato in pain, a person who is not exercising, whose blood vessels are collecting occlusion making material, and, who then awaits a political decision on whether they can take it again, and when they take it again they get up and overdo it.
Vioxx might just work too well. It needs to be addressed, but, not by eliminating the Vioxx. Anyone getting Vioxx should be warned to exercise slowly, and possibly remain on blood thinners.