Re: Chuy's waitress
To: Netizen
Since the state is in possession of the fake ID, and there are witnesses, what is her defense? That the police officer created a fake ID and that the one in the state's possession is not the one she really handed over?
No doubt her lawyer has a good idea - and is wise enough to play his cards close to the vest. I know that I wouldn't care to speculate as to a defense, since I wouldn't want to take any risk (no matter how small) of tipping off the prosecution.
The important thing is to get Jenna off, and then destroy Mia. Make her life pure, unmitigated, endless Hell. Break her...all quite legally, of course. Everything by the book and according to the rules, you understand. Not our of any personal spite, certainly - just as a deterrent to make others less likely to pull a stunt such as this in future.
Mia Lawrence is probably not a fit mother. Child protective services needs to take the kid away from her. Then, perhaps one could send the DemoncRat lackey some ice - you know, as in "put some ice on it?"
226 Posted on 06/08/2001 12:41:02 PDT by neutrino (neutrino)
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-- FreeTally
Thats lible, and I hope Jim Robinson pulls this before you get this web site in trouble.
No, it isn't. And by "trouble", do you mean that salon magazine won't approve of Freerepublic? Nothing we do, short of capitulation would achieve that dubious goal. And how on earth can you possibly criticize my concern for the welfare of the child? I'm only following the legal precedents set by Ms. Reno herself - wherein it is lawful to take children from homes that are perceived as unstable. Let's look at some facts:
Mia is a bar manager. In that role, she is likely to have unpredictable and irregular hours.
Mia appears to be unwed. This is not confirmed, but DOES appear to be the case. Again, there will not be a stable, normal home life for the child.
Mia is a bankrupt. This implies either a lack of resources, or an inability to manage them or both. Yet again, indicitive of an unstable home life.
Three simple issues. How can anyone claim that the child would be better off with Mia than in a foster home? See? It's all for the children!
You are now better than Paul Begalla and Alec Baldwin.
You're too kind! And when others develop the same outlook I have, we'll start winning this battle!
352 Posted on 06/08/2001 15:26:33 PDT by neutrino (neutrino)
< Reply | Private Reply | To 254 | Top | Last > are going to put an end to the intimidation by the left. If we have to destroy Chuy's and Mia to send you the message to cut it out, so be it. If we have to destroy ten, a hundred or a thousand more leftists to make the point, that is OK too.
31 Posted on 06/09/2001 13:13:55 PDT by LarryLied
< Reply | Private Reply | To 28 | Top | Last > we wish to survive, the choice is crystal clear... Either we destroy those 'people' who think like this, or we physically and permanently separate from them. There is no way that we can survive as a nation united with creatures such as this. To even attempt rapprochement with this filth is an act of naive stupidity. They will not 'change', they will never see things our way no matter how hard we try to educate them. We might as well try to 'educate' disease organisms not to infect us. That an occasional liberal is somehow redeemed(?) is utterly irrelevant. We can also put a living horse on the dark side of the moon if we throw enough money and time into the effort. What would such an artificial act have to do with the normal nature and circumstance of the horse? Nothing. If we wish to survive, we must either destroy our enemies... (and as sure as God sits on his throne, these creatures are our blood-enemies) Or we must separate from them. The only alternative is to submit to them... And submission to the liberals is death.
15 posted on 2/9/02 10:23 AM Pacific by DWSUWF
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Regarding Clinton:
To: cactusSharp
I can't believe people elected this ass. What a GD traitor he is!
5 posted on 2/23/02 1:12 AM Pacific by lmr
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To: nickcarraway
Words escape me. I want this man DEAD!
6 posted on 2/23/02 1:12 AM Pacific by jslade
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To: nickcarraway
In his speech, Mr Clinton said history showed it was inevitable that America's time in the spotlight would draw to a close. No Bill Clinton, it is you who has lost the spotlight.
7 posted on 2/23/02 1:12 AM Pacific by Cincinatus' Wife
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To: cactusSharp
Definitely. This just follows up his speechs at Berkeley and Georgetown. To hear him talk, you'd wonder why he would've wanted to be president of such a nation.
8 posted on 2/23/02 1:13 AM Pacific by nickcarraway
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To: nickcarraway
I wish Clinton had a time limit.
9 posted on 2/23/02 1:14 AM Pacific by Nogbad
< Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies | Report Abuse > attacking David Brock: KLT
It is getting to the point that I not only disagree with these RATS, I almost want them to just die.
44 posted on 8/5/02 9:15 AM Pacific by doug from upland
< To 1 | View Replies > okie01
So, what?I say, if we are greedy bullies, let us beat them all to a pulp, take everything they own, and make them our slaves. Then we can give Al Sharpton and company some of their countries as reparations, and get them off our backs! Works for me!
5 posted on 9/8/02 3:15 PM Pacific by Lucius Cornelius Sulla
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On Jim Jeffords:
Okay, people, aside from the fact that treasonous Jim needs a "taste of the Cat" in the Rotunda while Leahy and Sanders are forced to watch.... .something needs to be done with Trent Lott. This male cheerleader will blow this win sooner than you can say "drop the soap".
ABSOLUTELY!Mr.Bligh would order"Jumpin'Jim"to be spread-eagled on a hatch-grating and then instruct the bosun to"lay it on with a will"!!Is there a"suicide-watch"on certain"RATS"like "little tommy DasHole"and"El Loco,Poco,Dicko"?The markets are going UP to signify their approval and Rush is going to be ON FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4 posted on 11/06/2002 4:46 AM PST by bandleader
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Back to JeffordsTraitor Jeffords must be absolutely silence, cut dead, sent to Coventry, how ever you want to say it -- no one should speak to him or take his calls, or those of his staff, under any circumstances for for any reason -- the president pro tem of the Senate should refuse to recognize him, he should be kept off of all committees if possible. No bill which he sponsors should ever get out of committee. He should be spoken of only in the third person, as if he were not there!
24 posted on 11/06/2002 5:56 AM PST by CatoRenasci
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How about we relocate that nuclear waste storage facility to Vermont, home of Senators Leahy and Jeffords?
28 posted on 11/06/2002 6:57 AM PST by Timberside
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Coldcock, and beat Jeffords, then after that...walk the LOTT dog on his short leash...OMG, am I bein meanspirited...
32 posted on 11/06/2002 7:50 AM PST by KLT
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