The September dossier that made the case for war against Iraq was strengthened at the last moment following a request from Downing Street to remove the qualification that Saddam Hussein would only use chemical and biological weapons if attacked.
The change, which followed a memo from Jonathan Powell, the Prime Minister's chief of staff, was carried out without the specific consent of all members of the Joint Intelligence Committee, Britain's supreme intelligence body.
It left the impression that Saddam was prepared to use the weapons in an attack, rather than as a last resort if his regime were under threat.
The crucial alteration was disclosed to the Hutton Inquiry yesterday during the cross-examination of John Scarlett, the chairman of the JIC, and the man charged with the dossier's production. He admitted that on Sept 19 last year, five days before the dossier was published, he changed the passage in a final draft without consulting the committee.