Middle East - AP
U.S. Forces Kill 18 in Heavy Iraq Clashes
1 hour, 26 minutes ago
By CHARLES J. HANLEY, AP Special Correspondent
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Bombs rocked a teeming quarter of Baghdad and a sex-film theater in Mosul on Wednesday, reportedly killing at least three Iraqis and wounding dozens. In a string of ground clashes, the U.S. military said they killed nine Iraqis on one of the bloodiest days of combat in weeks.
The nine deaths were all in the region around Tikrit, Saddam Hussein (news - web sites)'s hometown. U.S. troops aborted two ambushes by anti-American forces, killing five Iraqis, and came under fire elsewhere in exchanges that left at least four Iraqis dead. The surge in attacks came as world leaders worked to find agreement in New York on how to restore stability to Iraq (news - web sites).
In Baghdad, communist leader Hamid Majid Moussa said he and other members of the U.S.-appointed Iraqi Governing Council, want to move toward national sovereignty "as fast as we can." But council members refused to be drawn into the debate over a specific timetable. "We don't want to become involved in fruitless discussions," said Moussa, one of four council representatives at a news conference.
The debate among the United States and other governments over Iraq's future moved this week to U.N. headquarters in New York, where the Bush administration seeks a Security Council resolution encouraging other nations to contribute troops to the Iraq security force.
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