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NBC (+WSJ) Poll: Bush rating lowest ever (49%)

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underpants Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-25-03 07:44 AM
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NBC (+WSJ) Poll: Bush rating lowest ever (49%)
Edited on Thu Sep-25-03 07:45 AM by underpants
Oh brother if even NBC and the Wall Street Journal can't prop him up you know he's in trouble.

WASHINGTON, Sept. 24 — George W. Bush is in the worst political trouble of his presidency, according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released Wednesday night. Bush’s approval rating now stands at 49 percent, the lowest point of his tenure. Whether Democrats will be able to exploit Bush’s woes is unknown, since they are four months away from their first primary, but party activists say they are ever more determined to find the candidate who can go toe to toe with Bush in a debate :eyes: and reduce his standing to political rubble.

Presented in the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll with various options for raising the money to pay for the Iraqi project, 56 percent of respondents said they’d opt for repealing the portion of the tax cuts that Congress passed last May that benefits upper-income taxpayers.

In other questions from the poll released Wednesday night, 52 percent disapproved of Bush’s handling of the economy, his highest disapproval rating ever and the first time it has been above 50 percent. And while 60 percent approve of Bush’s handling of the war on terrorism, it’s his lowest rating since the question was first asked in April 2002.
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meti57b Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-25-03 08:05 AM
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1. any and every Democratic candidate can not only go toe to toe with bush ..
but can also do far better than bush in a debate, as every Democratic candidate is far more capable and knowledgeable than the ignorant dunce we have now in the WH.

This NBC/WSJ poll is excellent news!
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underpants Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-25-03 08:11 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Notice how they lead into the story and rationalize for him at the end
MSNBC writes what would help W and at the end they compare his numbers to Truman, Reagan, Clinton, Nixon. I thought everything changed after 9/11.

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VolcanoJen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-25-03 08:37 AM
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3. Dupe... locking
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