apologies if already posted
Election Leader to Deliver Centralized, Statewide Voter Registration
And Election Management Solution
OMAHA, Neb., Sept. 25 /PRNewswire/ -- The New Mexico Secretary of State has awarded a five-year, multi-million dollar agreement to Election Systems & Software Inc. (ES&S), to build, deploy, and support a HAVA-compliant, centralized, real-time, statewide voter registration and election management system. The establishment of such a centralized election management system has been federally mandated for all states by the recent passage of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA).
"The State of New Mexico's selection of ES&S is a tremendous endorsement of our Profile(R) suite of voter registration management solutions and our team of election professionals," declared Ken Carbullido, ES&S senior vice president. "Not only is this agreement a significant achievement for ES&S and the State of New Mexico, but also an important milestone in helping the 33
county election officials who rely upon timely, accurate voter records."
The ES&S system will enable state and county election officials to
identify and eliminate duplicate registrations, and provide a uniform
statewide platform for consolidating the voter registration data currently maintained separately by each of the state's counties. In addition, the system is tailored to interface with the New Mexico Division of Motor Vehicles to verify personal identification information and the Department of Health to electronically transfer death records directly to county election offices.
"This system is a significant step toward making New Mexico a national leader in election-records reform," said Secretary of State Rebecca Vigil-Giron. "With this system, county election officials will have access to a much-needed tool that can help them maintain reliable lists of legally registered voters, which is a priority for New Mexico's future elections."