Francisco Aruca was in NYC over the weekend where he participated in the big rally for Cuban foreign minister Felipe Perez-Roque. To listen to his report and discussion the meeting, go to and click "Listen", and then the button for today, Tuesday 9/30. Here's the synopsis from an email I recieved:
He spends a modest amount of time on the
war and occupation in Iraq and then gets to
the meat of the thing after about 20 minutes.
He attended a meeting of about 250 Cuban
Americans with the Cuban Foreign Minister,
Felipe Perez-Roque. The FM made some
important announcements which Mr. Aruca
reported with great enthusiasm.
The special "entry permit" which Cubans who
live abroad have had to obtain in the past is
no longer going to be required as of April of
next year. This has been an expensive and
an annoying issue for Cubans for a long time.
It was justified on the understandable basis
of the island's security needs, given the role
some Cuban exiles have played in terroristic
activities on the island. Barring any unforseen
major problems between the US and Cuba,
this will be implemented next April.
The Cuban government, Mr. Aruca explained,
feels it now has sufficient security arrangements
in place that it won't have difficulty in this area.
In the past, Cuba has felt the need to invidually
investigate prospective visitors because of their
fear of violent actions. Now they have enough in
the way of computers and so on to not need that.
The longer term goal is to normalize relations
between the two countries. Aruca explained
that, as he understood Perez-Roque's remarks,
some of the problemmatic areas which Cubans
and Cuban Americans have criticized, such as
the limitations on freedom of expression which
occur on the island wouldn't be needed if Cuba
didn't have the "seige mentality" that it has had
to have in the past.
In this respect, perhaps the most telling comment
the Cuban foreign minister made was about the
jailings earlier this spring, which he compared to
Japanese-American internment during the
Second World War. This was justified by the US
at the time on the basis of US national security
needs. Aruca explained that this was what the
Cuban foreign minister wanted people living in
the United States to give some thought to.
He also announced that the postponed
conference on Immigration and Nation will
now be held next May in Havana. Aruca also
said there was some discussion about the
idea some Cuban Americans have raised
about retirement to Cuba, though Aruca had
no details to share on this broadcast.
During the discussion Aruca also pointed out
that this weekend will be the second time that
the rightist anti-Cuban exile groupings have
tried to counter a public meeting with forces
in favor of normalization. The two meetings
will face off in Miami with Mikhail Gorbachev
speaking at the normalization-oriented event
and Roger Noriega at the blockade-backing
Then he took questions and calls. You can
listen to the entire program here: and go to today's
broadcast. Great talk radio.