Police open fire after unemployed demonstrators attack station
The Associated Press
10/1/03 3:40 AM
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) -- Iraqi police opened fire in downtown Baghdad Wednesday morning after jobless demonstrators stormed a police station and threw stones at officers, a policeman said. At least one demonstrator was injured in the shooting.
When the shooting stopped about 30 minutes later, fist fights broke out between some demonstrators and police. The protesters said they had been promised police jobs in July, but the positions had not been given out. They charged that police were demanding bribes in return for hiring them.
Salah Hasan, a policeman, said officers fired into the air when the Facilities Protection Force station was attacked by the demonstrators. Several officers were injured he said, and the demonstrators set two cars on fire.
Police Cpl. Hashim Habib Mohsen said some of the demonstrators fired on police. Firefighters were battling the car fires. (snip/...)