Miami-Dade mayor raises $800,000 in third quarter for Senate race
The Associated Press
Posted September 30 2003, 7:49 PM EDT
ORLANDO -- Miami-Dade Mayor Alex Penelas raised almost $800,000, former U.S. Rep. Bill McCollum raised $500,000, and U.S. Rep. Peter Deutsch raised $400,000 in the third quarter, officials from their U.S. Senate campaigns said Tuesday.
The reporting period ended Tuesday but candidates don't have to file their reports until Oct. 15.
Penelas, who is facing Deutsch and three other opponents in the Democratic primary, has raised almost $2 million, his campaign reported.
Deutsch now has $3.3 million cash on hand, said Ryan Hampton, his finance director.
``Right now, it's pretty much all about money and we believe we're doing fairly well,'' Hampton said. (snip/...),0,7052752.story?coll=sfla-news-miami~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~They are going after the seat they believe Bob Graham is leaving. We have read reports in the last 2 days that he's falling behind in the Presidential race.
Is there ANY Floridian DU'er who might have heard if Graham is considering staying right where we need him, in the U. S. Senate? Thank you.