Cruel but true. These people don't give a shit about anything but themselves and their little "save the babies" bullshit. When it has been born it is a baby. Before it has been born it is a fetus, or an embryo, or a zygote. There is no such thing as an "unborn baby."
Guess what, folks: Until one of these RTL pukes' mothers, or their wives, dies of some complication of pregnancy that a third-trimester therapeutic abortion would have prevented, they have to raise their six children alone and no decent woman will go near them (because what decent woman wants to raise six kids she has to bail out of jail all the time?), they'll remain pro-life. Because the concept of a warm, loving Christian family with a daddy, a mommy and a handful of sweet, precious children who go to church every Sunday (funny how they never go near the place the other six days of the week and don't know much of the Bible beyond "before you were born I knew you," ain't it?) is what they care about, not women. Too bad that's not how it is.