SEATTLE -- Presidential contender Dr. Howard Dean stopped by Seattle Saturday evening to offer his prescription for America's well-being, which includes jobs, universal health care, a balanced budget and a foreign policy that relies on cooperation, not confrontation.
Dean, one of 10 vying for the Democratic presidential nomination, provided blunt criticisms of President George Bush and offered his alternatives to what he viewed as failed policies.
His comments drew repeated bursts of applause from the crowd of about 1,000 gathered at the University of Washington for the Warren G. Magnuson Awards ceremony, the largest Washington State Democratic function of the year. Dean also had a scheduled visit afterward at the Fourth Annual Seattle Human Rights Campaign Dinner and Auction.
Dean talked about jobs, saying 3 million have been lost under the current administration. He also noted the need for balancing the nation's budget, saying, "We are the party of fiscal responsibility."
Dean also blasted President Bush's tax cuts of 2001 and 2003, saying they went to the wealthiest citizens.
"Middle class people never got the tax cut," he said.
That money should instead be invested in jobs, transportation - including mass transit, broadband communications, schools and renewable energy, such as wind power.