Monday, October 6, 2003; Page A01
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 5 -- California's gubernatorial recall campaign turned increasingly nasty today, as Gov. Gray Davis (D) demanded that Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) address in detail accusations of sexual misconduct that have mounted daily and the film star asked supporters to reject a "sleaze campaign" that he said was politically inspired by "well-organized" opponents.
Facing possible ouster from office on Tuesday, Davis sought to rally his soft Democratic base to vote against the recall by signing a far-reaching health care bill requiring all larger employers in the state to provide health insurance for their workers, as his campaign team tried to keep the focus on questions of Schwarzenegger's treatment of women.
In an interview with NBC anchor Tom Brokaw, aired tonight on NBC's "Dateline," Schwarzenegger at first denied he grabbed or groped any woman, saying, "This is not me." A minute later, he said he was not denying all accusations. "Not at all," he said.
Schwarzenegger said Davis is partly to blame for the charges coming out now. When Brokaw asked about Davis's call for the actor to address the charges, the film star said it was Davis who owes the people of California an apology for what he has done to the state.
Brokaw replied: "You're not going to be any more specific about these charges in terms of your denials?"
"As soon as the campaign is over, I will," Schwarzenegger replied. "I can get into all of the specifics and find out what is really going on. But right now, I'm just really occupied with the campaign."