first: this is the link for the current article or posted thread... this is the link for this article...
ISRAEL may have taken the war of words between the US and Damascus as a green light for its attack on Syrian soil, analysts said yesterday.
Israeli officials described yesterday’s air raid, barely ten miles outside the Syrian capital, as a warning shot meant to end Syrian support for terrorists, fired with "no intention of escalation".
Washington, meanwhile, has repeatedly blamed Syria for allowing "Arabs" and "foreigners" to cross its border to attack American troops, hinting at the possible threat of sanctions.
At the same time, it has joined Israel in demanding that Syria end its backing for Palestinian militants.
The US occupation of Iraq has left Israel’s old enemy surrounded by allies of the US. The cross-border pipeline supplying cheap Iraqi oil has been turned off, adding to the economic pressure on Syria’s president, Bashar Assad.
a note from the author: a terrorist is someone who acts upon the beliefs of their culture and who has not the means finacially or otherwise to act in a equal manner to which one is being attacked or percieved to being attacked, it is the rebel army...