Posted on Wed, Jun. 01, 2005
State approves deal ending threat of oil drilling off Fla. shores
Associated Press
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. - Gov. Jeb Bush and the Cabinet approved Wednesday a $12.5 million deal that would protect the last of Florida's waters from oil drilling and end 15 years of litigation.
Coastal Petroleum, the company that owns the last of the offshore drilling leases the state issued in the 1940s, will receive the money in exchange for dropping efforts to drill along the state's West coast. Coastal has fought to be compensated - or allowed to drill - since 1990, the year the state banned offshore drilling.
In 2003, an appeals court ruled that the state did not have to compensate Coastal and that the company could drill only with state environmental permits. As part of Tuesday's settlement, the company has agreed to drop all pending cases against the state.
Bush applauded the agreement, and said he hopes the state's protections - which extend between 3 and 11 miles offshore - will eventually be extended into federal waters. The deal is a victory for Bush, who has fought to prevent drilling off the state's shores - even while his brother, President Bush, has tried to extend drilling in other states.
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