June 7, 2005, 12:08AM
Bush ties trade deal to security
President says CAFTA would inspire faith in democracy
Copyright 2005 Houston Chronicle
FORT LAUDERDALE, FLA. - In an effort to sell a Central American free trade agreement to a skeptical Congress, President Bush on Monday stepped up efforts to link the pact to democracy and national security.
"For the Western Hemisphere, CAFTA would continue to advance the stability and security that come from freedom," Bush said. "An Americas linked by trade is less likely to be divided by resentment and false ideologies."
Bush intensified his campaign for the agreement last week, listing CAFTA among his top priorities this year. So far, however, he lacks the votes in the GOP-led Congress to pass it.
Jaime Martinez of San Antonio, national labor director for the League of United Latin American Citizens, said CAFTA would do nothing to improve standards for workers in the other participating countries.
"In these types of agreements, you always have winners and losers, but the winners are always the corporations," Martinez said.
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