The US has always opposed people's democracy! The US idea of democracy is an environment in which a country's elites profit at the expense of the workers and peasants, while US companies are free to exploit the nation's natural and human resources.
The only people on this planet that believe that the US is a benign force in the world are those Americans that have deluded themselves of that lie.
The world's only salvation lies in the collapse and ultimate defeat of the American empire!
Washington sees threat to “stability”
Bolivia rocked by mass protests over energy law
By Bill Van Auken
3 June 2005
La Paz has witnessed some of the biggest protests in the country’s history as tens of thousands of peasants, teachers, miners and other workers have poured into the city and laid siege to government buildings. Various reporters estimated the largest of the demonstrations at 50,000. Throwing sticks of dynamite and rocks, the demonstrators have confronted riot police using tear gas, rubber bullets and water cannon.
The sparks for these upheavals were the approval by Bolivia’s Congress of a new energy law last month and the drive by the country’s wealthier regions—backed by the oil companies and foreign capital—to achieve political autonomy.
The government of Bolivian President Carlos Mesa, who came to power after the October 2003 upheavals that toppled his Washington-backed predecessor, Gonzalo Sanchez Lozada (now in Miami exile), appears to be on the brink of collapse.
Mesa was Sanchez Lozada’s vice president, but distanced himself from him after government forces massacred scores of unarmed protesters, igniting insurrectionary conditions. Like his predecessor, he is a supporter of the policies of privatization, economic austerity and subordination to the transnationals that have left more than two-thirds of the population in poverty while creating unprecedented social polarization. threatens Bolivia on presidential vote
By Tomas Rodriguez and Bill Vann
18 July 2002
In the run-up to the selection of a new president in Bolivia, the Bush administration has issued unconcealed threats of US sanctions and potential military retaliation if the candidate opposed by Washington ends up winning.
The top two candidates in the June 26 election were Gonzalo Sanchez Lozada of the right-wing MNR (National Revolutionary Movement) with 22.4 percent of the vote, and Evo Morales, a leader of the coca farmers’ protests, whose MAS (Movement towards Socialism) won 20.9 percent.
In an indication of the sharply polarized political environment, another new party, the NFR, or New Republican Force, placed third. According to published reports, this party has received significant funding from sources linked to the anticommunist Unification Church of Reverend Moon, which has previously forged ties to right-wing army generals in Bolivia. The NFR received 20.9 percent of the ballots cast, just a few hundred votes less than the MAS.
Under Bolivian election law, in the absence of an absolute majority for any candidate, the country’s congress picks the winner. The US embassy, working together with the parties of the Bolivian oligarchy, is carrying out an unconcealed campaign to ensure that the national legislators deliver sufficient votes to keep Morales out of the presidential palace.