Posted on Tue, Jun. 14, 2005
Posada renews asylum bid at a hearing held in Texas
Cuban militant Luis Posada Carriles refiled a formal request for political asylum, and a judge said he is considering moving him to a facility closer to Miami.
El PASO -- Dressed in a red government-issue jumpsuit and a bullet-proof vest, anti-Castro militant Luis Posada Carriles appeared for his first immigration hearing Monday to renew his request for political asylum and insist that he can stay in the U.S. because he is already a U.S. resident.
Posada's attorney, Eduardo Soto, asked Judge William L. Abbott to transfer Posada to Miami or another Florida facility, so he could be closer to his lawyers and family.
No decisions were made at the hearing, which lasted about an hour. Instead, the judge set dates down the road to rule whether to free Posada on bond, and whether he is still a U.S. resident.
Part of the U.S. legal team against Posada, including an Immigration and Customs Enforcement attorney, Gina Garrett-Jackson, flew in from Miami, as did Posada's lawyers. His lawyer said it would be easier -- and cheaper -- for him and the government to move Posada to Miami.
''My client is entitled to sit with his counsel and review the boxes and boxes of documents,'' Soto said. The government is ``fully able to prosecute Posada in Miami.''
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