"CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas - A judge ruled Thursday that the state will retain custody of a 13-year-old girl who was taken from her parents after they refused to continue her cancer treatments and the cancer, which appeared to have been eliminated, returned"
Katie Wernecke, who is suffering from Hodgkin's Disease, will remain with Child Protective Services indefinitely, juvenile court Judge
Carl Lewis ruled. Katie, who has been in state custody since June 4, was scheduled to see doctors at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston on Thursday.
The girl was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Disease, a type of cancer involving the lymph nodes, in January after she was taken to an emergency room with what her parents thought was pneumonia. She received chemotherapy, and the cancer appeared to have gone away."
"Earlier this month, Child Protective Services officials took custody of Katie after doctors said the Werneckes were risking their daughter's life by refusing the radiation therapy. A scan last week revealed that the cancer had returned, and on Wednesday Katie's former doctor testified he thought its return was linked to the family's refusal to go forward with the radiation."