Pardon if a repost. I received this from the House Whip daily email:
"Rank-and-file House Republicans, citing nervousness among colleagues and lack of intensity on the issue, say their leaders probably won't force a vote on Social Security this year...'I wouldn't bet my farm on it,' Rep. Ralph Regula, Ohio Republican, said of a House vote this year. 'People are a little nervous.'"
- A news story in The Washington Times today
...did a search and found no matches.
======================================================== say Social Security vote is unlikely
By Amy Fagan
Published June 16, 2005
Rank-and-file House Republicans, citing nervousness among colleagues and lack of intensity on the issue, say their leaders probably won't force a vote on Social Security this year. But the White House is calling for action and promising to campaign for those who back the effort to revamp the program. "I think there's a growing feeling that there's a greater chance it won't happen this time," said Rep. Shelley Moore Capito, West Virginia Republican.
Another House Republican, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said that Republicans "have lost a lot of momentum" on the effort and that a Supreme Court vacancy will likely "shut the Senate down for months
push the issue into next year." "There's a growing expectation this will not happen this year," the Republican said.
"I wouldn't bet my farm on it," Rep. Ralph Regula, Ohio Republican, said of a House vote this year. "People are a little nervous." But White House spokesman Trent Duffy said President Bush wants action on Social Security reform this year and would assist those who support him. Mr. Duffy said the president "appreciates how sensitive it is politically" and, in the coming campaign season, "will help those who support his agenda." He noted that Mr. Bush has raised millions for the races of Republican Sens. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania and Jim Talent of Missouri. Mr. Duffy also said Democrats will run Social Security attack ads against Republicans in the next election whether or not there is congressional action, so it's better to act on something positive than to do nothing. "The notion that not acting will neutralize attack ads on Social Security is pure fantasy," Mr. Duffy said.
Still, some House Republicans aren't sure the issue has momentum. Mrs. Capito, who is undecided but skeptical of Mr. Bush's proposal for Social Security personal accounts, said the effort hasn't been a high priority on meeting agendas or in conversations lately. She said a briefing by a Ways and Means Committee aide left her feeling that the issue "doesn't have the intensity that it needs to move forward." The Social Security effort wasn't discussed at yesterday's House Republican conference meeting either, said Rep. Jim Kolbe, Arizona Republican. Rep. Spencer Bachus, an Alabama Republican who strongly supports Mr. Bush's plan, said, "I don't think there's a consensus," and added that Mr. Bush and Republican leaders are "ahead of the members and the public."