This is BAD NEWS for Democratic Las Vegas! The Sun is the Democratic newspaper and the LVRJ is the Repuke voice! The final Red State Takeover effort begins! This is the area that DID NOT HAVE PAPER TRAILS on their Sequioas on November 2!!!
LAS VEGAS (AP) - Industry and antitrust experts believe the deal to combine the Las Vegas Sun and Las Vegas Review-Journal should pass muster with federal regulators but the arrangement also could be a step toward the newspapers consolidating.
Executives from both newspapers said when the smaller Sun appears later this year as a daily section in the larger Review-Journal, the move will not violate the terms of their 15-year-old joint operating agreement that runs until 2040. The publications already are combined on weekends.
The competitive tension between the papers will remain in their starkly contrasted editorial pages and because the Sun will have autonomy, honoring the spirit of the joint operating agreement and a 55-year-old rivalry, Review-Journal Publisher Sherman R. Frederick said.
"That's one of the things that made this JOA work, bad blood," Frederick said Wednesday. "That won't change."