G8 Retreat on Climate Change
by Sanjay Suri
June 18, 2005
http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=56&ItemID=8108 Inter Press Service Printer Friendly Version
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LONDON - A new leaked document on the current stage of negotiations on the G8 position on climate change shows a further retreat from consensus on many fronts.
This is the second time a draft agreement has been leaked from talks of the Group of Eight of the world's leading industrialized nations (Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United States, plus Russia). The earlier draft leaked last month itself showed agreements of only a weak and general nature.
In the new draft, the very first line is contentious. The opening words "Our world is warming" have been placed in parentheses, indicating there is no consensus on that portion of the text. Here the draft has been clearly prepared by the British government, and the dispute is believed to arise from U.S. objections.
The first paragraph includes the following also placed in parentheses: "The statement issued by the science academies in June 2005 said that there is now 'strong evidence that significant global warming is occurring' and that 'this warming has already led to changes in the Earth's climate'. We know that the increase is due in part to human activity."