(Mods: title abbreviated for clarity)
Twins Study Indicates Childhood Influences, Not Just Genes, Key to Future Dementia
By Lauran Neergaard The Associated Press
Published: Jun 19, 2005
http://ap.tbo.com/ap/breaking/MGBRLDNO5AE.html WASHINGTON (AP) - Education and a healthy youth may override genes in determining who gets Alzheimer's disease, says a provocative new study of dementia patients and their healthy identical twins.
Researchers combed Sweden's twin registry to find 109 identical twins where one had Alzheimer's or another form of dementia but the other remained healthy. Then they checked the twins' medical histories.
Having had a stroke increased the chances of dementia six-fold, not surprising as cardiovascular disease has long been considered a risk factor, scientists reported at an Alzheimer's Association conference on the quest to prevent the disease.
More surprising were two early-in-life factors:
-Twins who had had early periodontal disease - leading to loose or lost teeth by age 35 - had a fourfold increased risk of dementia. Gum disease is a sign of poor child health in general. It's also an inflammatory disease; inflammation increases the risks of numerous disorders later in life.
-Those with less high school and college education had 1.6 times the risk of dementia. Mental stimulation throughout life is thought to be brain-protective.